Tuesday, November 20, 2007

First day of Christmas Shopping

I just finished my first day of Christmas shopping- very unsuccessful. ToysRus had a sale on Wii games, buy 2 get 1 free. They all had to be purchased on the same receipt. Do you know how hard it was to get all 3 games at the same store? I drove 63 miles, and visited 3 stores. I have 2 of the 3 games I set out to buy. I wanted to get Legos Star Wars, Simpsons, and Brain Academy. Instead I have Harry Potter, Simpsons, and Brain Academy.

Next time I'll try to read the ads on Sunday. But I was working this Sunday! I didn't finish reading the Sunday paper until Monday night. And this is Tuesday morning, and I can't find all the games. Though the store people were nice and very polite, they all said I should have been here on Sunday for the best selection. And I agree. Next time I'll read the ads first. I learned my lesson.

Black Friday - While I was at the first store, I say a stocker with an ad. I think it was for Friday. I asked and he avoided my questions, while remaining polite. Do I dare stand in line this Friday? ToysRus has one of the longest lines...I'd have to be up pretty early. I've been thinking about starting my Black Friday shopping at the Camarillo Outlet Center; some stores open at midnight with really good deals. And then just staying up for the rest of the night standing in line for another store.

It's really hard to decide where to go on Black Friday. In the past I've gone to Michaels, JoAnns, Circuit City, Best Buy. I can't wait to see the ads this year, and plan my all day, sleep deprived, shopping spree.

Side note: Met a cute guy while at the last Toys R Us. He's polite, and funny - always good if you're trying to return an item. It worked on the Customer Service people. They called two managers, but he finally was able to exchange his item. He had a badge in his wallet, so he's a firefighter or a policeman. We talked for a bit, but I don't have a name. What was the deal breaker? He's exchanging a PSP3 game. I'm buying Wii games. We have incompatible gaming platforms. Sigh!

I have married friend who has a theory that you should marry young. Then you and your husband will grow together and form ideas and standards . If she had waited until now, she would have all these standards to judge people by. She thinks it would be harder to meet someone who fit all the criteria. I think she's right. I mean I just rejected someone based on their game system. And I knew what I was doing, yet I still did it. Crazy.

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